Long term prayers for Bokoli people wanting John Wasike to aspire for MCA seat seems answered.
Locals from Bokoli ward have been crying a lot for a number of years,putting minds together on whom they shall settle on to deliver their concerns in the county Assembly of Bungoma.
John Wasike,former chief officer-Agriculture in Governor Wangamati's regime,Bungoma County,Wasike having served for only two years before resigning to Join Webuye West 2022 Parliamentary elections, was rated as the 2nd performing Chief officer in Kenya.
Many across Bokoli ward have severally been requesting Wasike to run for Bokoli seat in 2027 after he unsuccessfully lost in 2022 to UDA Dan Wanyama,sitting MP Webuye West.
In consultations with family, Friends and opinion leaders within the Ward,Wasike heard their cry,assuring them for his firmness to unseat Jack Kawa in 2027,as he is set to bring change by working on matters of equity to bring every citizen on board to enjoy credible leadership.
Wasike,speaking on press,says It's high time for locals to decide and change the current leadership of Bokoli ward by voting him in if they need faster service delivery through economic empowerment and struggle to eliminate the four major enemies of mankind in the ward,which are;Disease,poverty,illiteracy and bad governance.
............From unnamed source.................
"Bokoli ward can only be at safe hands with John Wasike,for he has the capacity.Serving as the chief officer of Agriculture for just 2 years and was rated number two in the whole country is not a joke", says one from Bokoli Ward(Didn't want to be mentioned).
As 2027 elections approach the door,men in Bokoli ward are in temper for going to lose the seat to Wasike,as he joins the league for the first time.
In an interview with a political analysit from Bokoli ward,says Wasike will struggle less to unseat Jack Kawa following his clear and memorable records while at Nzoia Sugar company and as chief officer for Agriculture respectively.
" Wasike while serving as chief officer,he employed many people that can't even mention, Robai Walela,Decy Awuor and others.If you ask them who is John Wasike they will really testify",Bokoli,political analysit (who didn't want the name published due to security purposes).
In his conclusion, the analysit says it seems awkward for one to stand mentioning people he/she helped even with a single coin in the claim of wanting votes.
"Led the characters of a person influence people to vote for him,I know supposing its 2027,10th August now,John Wasike will be the elected MCA Bokoli ward not by Jokes but by his characters that has followed him for doing good deeds in every office he held", political analysit.
John Wasike,has been always seen in public socializing with locals through various initiatives despite having lost in 2022.His ambitions to join the race to Unseat Jack Kawa-MCA Bokoli Ward has bring Joy to many in the entire ward having hope to have a new MCA in 2027-2032.
" These other fellows claiming and raising issues of upper and lower Bokoli means nothing on matters of developments,its good for these other aspirants who have joined the race to back up Wasike because he is the only one we have seen is reliable once he assumes the office",an elder's advice in one of Miendo empowerment groups.
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