"we need to be open for you to also encourage someone"

Youths urged to put their marital and sexual  relationship matters open to avoid wide spread of sexual Transmitted Inflections. 

Speaking to residents on a local radio station,Bokoli Sub county Hospital Administrator Beverlyne Shitakule,says cases of STI(s) increase faster due to secrecy kept by youths.
    Youths services rendered in Bokoli sub county hospital.

Shitakule,the new admin in the facility, affirms keeping in touch with locals to fight against STI(s) cases as a way of putting the community at a safer side for a better tomorrow,by eveñ programming guiding & counseling forums in schools.
"Our youths you don't need to do things in secret following our today's time we need to be open for you to also encourage someone else it will need you to be open for if you come and want to be in secret,a times we wonder what is it you want to do that we don't know", Shitakule's call for youths.
Youths surrounding the facility have been reassured  for best services once popping in to raise matters concerning their health,guiding and counseling ,accessibility of condoms and family planning methods as a way of preventing premature deaths related to STI(s),Unwanted pregnancies,GBV cases among others.
This comes out after some youths raising concerns to have condoms,self-test kits for HIV and guiding&conselling offices be at a secret place in that facility.
Bokoli sub county hospital is a 24 hours working and youths have been assured by the management that all services needed by them will be provided under a NO secret circumstance to save the community.
       For live audiobite of Mrs.Shitakule,Bokoli S/county hospital admin click:
Mrs.Shitakule,the admin,has also given out word of relief for patients undergoing challenges of payments after being attended to in her facility that as the management, they accept payment in kind if there is negotiation with relevant parties.
Community collaboration has been given a priority by the admin,saying it's the only way to make Bokoli sub county hospital grow faster as they are day on day ready welcoming and working on  concerns and recommendations the community will be raising.
        Phase of Bokoli sub county hospital
Kenyans who were registered on National Hospital Insurance fund(Nhif) were shifted to Social Health Authority(SHA),a directive from the government of Kenya under Health ministry.Kenyans are urged to comply with the directive as the state has assured it being more compliant than Nhif.Despite this,many have raised concerns for having troubles when seeking for medication following a new transfer to SHA.
 Informer,"many loss their lives for having no health insurance, cash sometimes is expensive for some people,let us all comply and register for SHA".
   Simiyu Sakwa,
Sakwasimiyu5.blogspot. Co.ke
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