RELIEF FOR BOKOLI,AS WASIKE JOINS RACE. Long term prayers for Bokoli people wanting John Wasike to aspire for MCA seat seems answered. Locals from Bokoli ward have been crying a lot for a number of years,putting minds together on whom they shall settle on to deliver their concerns in the county Assembly of Bungoma. John Wasike,former chief officer-Agriculture in Governor Wangamati's regime,Bungoma County,Wasike having served for only two years before resigning to Join Webuye West 2022 Parliamentary elections, was rated as the 2nd performing Chief officer in Kenya. Many across Bokoli ward have severally been requesting Wasike to run for Bokoli seat in 2027 after he unsuccessfully lost in 2022 to UDA Dan Wanyama,sitting MP Webuye West. In consultations with family, Friends and opinion leaders within the Ward,Wasike heard their cry,assuring them for his firmness to unseat Jack Kawa in 2027,as he is set to bring change by working on matters of equity to bring every citizen on bo...