
Showing posts from February, 2018


South African president H.E Jacob Zuma resigns from office.

Changirai is dead

Zimbabwean  opposition leader Morgan Changrai is dead.Changrai has been receiving stomach cancer treatment until his dismiss. Zimbabwean opposition leaders with deep sorrow and International leaders are condoling the family.

Attorney General,Githu Muigai resigns

Prof.Muigai regime for six and half years as the Attorney General of the Republic of Kenya resigns today. Questions are still emerging as to why he chose to resign from the office. In his twitter account,president Uhuru Kenyatta congratulates prof.Muigai for his well effort done since the assume of the office in 2011. By,, ICS college,Mombasa Journalism dept.

You can not be on the road without knowing your destination

Hon.Ken Makelo Lusaka will still remain in History of luyhaa as the most successful leader for peace co-ordination.Lusaka,the first Governor,Bungoma serves a big example of influence to emerging politicians. In his daily motivation,Lusaka tells  out three quotes;you can't be escorted if going nowhere,you can't be on the road without knowing your destination and walking alone is like heading to a teared-strip poshomill. Lusaka,former Senate referee,elected the senate speaker follows the wise say from the late vice-president,kijana Wamalwa,"if any one says want to go to the ballot alone,that man doesn't know what he talks about". Today,eyes are on the people of the Mulembe nation to distinguish between friendship&Tribalism.Kenya,a home of knowledgeable citizens,comprising 42 tribes,without unity,friendship,peace&harmony no achievements.Work,struggle for the benefit of citizens at large,not your family or relatives or desire to walk alone. The rise of Hon...


The late former vice president Hon.Kijana Wamalwa says,"if anyone says he walks alone,the man doesn't know what he talks about". Time has come even if we're the minority,If we can't run we must walk,if we can't walk,we must crawl,if we can't crawl we must jump provided we're moving forward. Today,the statement leaves the People of the Mulembe Nation(Western people or Luyhas)in suspense.No walking together,nothing to be achieved.One can still benefit himself by embezzling public funds without informing citizens on expenditures.The public won't put you in trust for you have decided to walk alone. Luyha's its the report time why not walking with others to achieve a central purpose.Will it remain in History,Wamalwa walked with others and achieved a purpose. Why not you to eager the paths he followed for you to achieve also? By.Sakwa simiyu,ICS college press


                             Democracy for our people is being limited by the winning numbers Time is now to ensure the interests of our people is achieved highly despite the winning team taking an advantage for having majority.Says the opposition delegate who did not want her name to be mentioned for security purposes.Kenya is a home for everyone,we should feel concerned as the oppositions to ensure everybody enjoys democracy.You can pass the law in parliament but still will not go through the court of the people,the power o"""""""""f the people is greater than the people in power

Struggle to fight for peace,daily calling for all Kenyans

Eyes of every state is on Kenya to see how stable we are going to be without requesting mediators from foreign states.Bungoma county senetor aspirant in 2027 Hon.Sakwa said,"The struggle to defend our country is the daily calling for everyone regardless of being a guard,farmer,doctor or politician,the state needs Christians to stand firm,forward everything to God to Make it a peaceful nation".Kenya is a country of peace since independence and it will look quite unpresentable if the two leaders fail to dialogue.The key matter is,politics is over,as alternate leaders what are you struggling to please citizens be confident of you?Sakwa  who hold the meeting with Balisa clan yesterday at Bokoli subcounty in Bungoma county urgued parents also to invest everything in the academia sectors of their children's. By.Sakwa Isaya